Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A sinner's prayer for Salvation
Lord Jesus. I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. Wash me clean. I make you my Lord & Savior. Amen.
The Bible teaches that once you have embraced Jesus as Lord and Savior over your entire life, all of heaven applauds you.
I don't know if you ever received or witnessed a standing ovation, but it's overwhelming. Just imagine, heaven applauding for you and your decision right now.
Im so proud of you for your decision. God bless you.
If you prayed this, will you contact me at Thanks!
Get your own web address.
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Weakness into His Victory: To the dogs
Judging Others
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
I read these words and I can't help to be convicted by them. When looking to humanbeings we can easily apply these words of orderly living, but even animals shouldn't be judged, condemned, and should be forgiven.
Today, I allowed my situation, surrounding, and circumstance to get the better of me, so when I went to let my mother's dogs out, I yelled at them, because they went crazy from their barking due to their excitement to go outside.
It's humbling to have God's Light shine on you as a spotlight to a prisoner, saying 'If I have not judged harshly on you. If I have not condemned you by your unruly behavior. If I have forgiven your outburst, why don't you do the same?'
It's those things in our lives, and those individuals we may simply disregard because they are not in our lives in a moment-to-moment basis, but that's when God will also say "Uphold my ways."
I thank the Lord for calming me with such beautiful words, and allowing me to share and confess my weakness for today in this moment in order to embrace Him, and His ways as my strength.
I steadily look to God to strengthen and instruct me to be the Environment, and not become my environment.
Now, I will go and apologize to all the dogs...they do understand :)
God bless you all
Signature from Flavio's iPhone:
I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. (1 Corinthians 2:3)
Friday, February 4, 2011
I would be remiss not to give Thanx to Almighty God
As I lay my body down to rest, I am reminded of how blessed I am to say "I'm laying my body down to rest." It's a great priviledge to have a soft pillow, a mattress, and a cover to sleep with, while being secured under a solid roof surrounded by four walls, when they're so many humanbeings out there who have not one of the things I mentioned above.
In this country (the U.S.) we have so many freedoms. Two major ones that come to mind: Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Religion. It's amazing how we can speak basically anywhere we want, however we want, and choose any religion, and how to worship in that religion without worry.
Whereas in other countries, if you were to pray to God, who says you are saved by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, you would be tied, gagged, and arrested to most likely never see the light of day again.
It's my prayer that you the reader will be convicted to be unbelievably and overwhelmingly grateful to God, that you live in a country that gives you so many freedoms that you take it for granted.
Why do I say such things? Not because I'm better than you, but rather because I too was once a person who overlooked the blessing and took advantage of my priviledged life, and did nothing but worry about me, me, me all the time.
In order for any of us to make a difference in this world, we must first make a difference in ourselves.
I'm so entirely grateful and thankful to God that I can say…God bless you all.
In God's Love, Flavio.
Signature from Flavio's iPhone:
O our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name! (1 Chronicles 29:13)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Alive and Walking
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Today's sit down
My Testimony
because the love that I have in me for God compels me to do so.
I'm so comitted to God. My heart, and my attention are all to Him, and
it gets stronger by the day.
Indeed, I pray that my path remains very clear, as in my heart and on
my mind is nothing but God, His children, and speaking the Gospel of
Christ to as many of God's children He will place before my path
before my time on this earth is up.
I never shared this with anyone that I can rememer while growing up.
Through my early years I always felt something different about me, and
something reaching out to me.
Low and behold 29 years into my life, it became very clear that it was
I never gave thought to what I wanted to do with my life while I was
in high school, and I always felt lost. All I knew is that I had a
tremendous amount of love in me, and didn't know how to share it.
I went from relationship to relationship, and it still didn't seem as
if the love was being shared correctly. So, I spiraled down my life,
getting older, and feeling like I had no purpose.
When 2006 rolled around, I got a glimpse of what the love in me was
about, I felt something in me, but I refused it. Why? I could blame it
on immaturity of my youth, but I firmly believe I wasn't ready to face
Three years go by, and I found myself leaving my wife; my failed
marriage, and I felt useless. Without wanting to live, yet again. When
I sunk to my lowest, and felt my weakest, that's when the love in me,
became stirred up, and I felt strength to lift my head up, and face
what I wasn't ready to face three years back.
It was God from my beginning. It was always Him. I was created for
Him. That is why the love wasn't reciprocated back to me as I gave it
out. The love I had stored up in me was for God, and what He would
call me to do.
As I type these words of Truth, and Love, my heart beats so rapidly,
as I speak of my beloved; my God.
Maybe what I'm writing seems crazy to you, or maybe not. Either way, I
felt compelled to share this, and I am moved to share it with others,
not only with this written word, but with my voice, my body, my entire
May God grant me the priviledge and honor to write, speak, and teach
His Word to every soul, He has instore for me to meet. Amen!
My prayer for YOU: That God will stir up in you a love and a
purposeful driven life. It's in Jesus name, I pray. Amen!
God bless you all,
Flavio- His Servant
Signature from Flavio's iPhone:
Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)
The one thing I ask of the Lord―the thing I seek most―is to live in
the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the
Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal
me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will
place me out of reach on a high rock.