I love you so much Lord, thank you for waking me up in Spirit and in
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my day.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for making me smile.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for feeding me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for protecting me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for teaching me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for guiding me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for patiently waiting on me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for investing in me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for the animals you gave me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you so much for my mom- she needs you.
I love you so much Lord, thank you so much for my brother-he's hurting
without you.
I love you so much Lord, thank you so so much for taking away my hurt,
my pain, all of my world.
I love you so much Lord, thank you so so much for introducing me and
accepting me into all your existence.
I love you so much, I thank you for the priviledge and honor of saying
I love you and thank you so much.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for everytime you gave me a comfy
pillow to place my head down on.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for always listening to me- I know
I talk a lot.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for eveyone who has always cared
and provided for me. I love them so much
I love you so much Lord, thank you even when I have nothing to say-
you always smile as then you get your Word in.
I love you so much Lord, Thank you for my night.
I love you so much Lord, thank you so much for giving me Your Word.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for never leaving me.
I love you so much Lord, because You always think of me and can never
forget about me.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my heart that bleeds for you.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my mind that always wonders
into you.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my mouth that cannot stop
speaking of you.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my hands that want to build for
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my feet that always are
prepared to walk with you.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for my heart that breaks for your
children- how we need you so much.
I love you so much Lord, thank you for lifting up my life by laying
down your life.
I love you so much Lord, that my sleep I put on hold to say I love you
and thank you so much.
Your Child,
Signature from Flavio's iPhone:
Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)
The one thing I ask of the Lord―the thing I seek most―is to live in
the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the
Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal
me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will
place me out of reach on a high rock.