Monday, December 27, 2010

The True Owner

December 27, 2010

Our Daily Bread is hosted by Les Lamborn

[READ: Psalm 95:1-7]

All things were created through Him and for Him. —Colossians 1:16

Did you hear about the church that didn't have enough room for parking? Fortunately, it was located right next to a store that was closed on Sundays, so a church member asked the store owner if they could overflow into his parking lot. "No problem," he said. "You can use it 51 weeks out of the year. On the 52nd week, though, it will be chained off." The man was grateful, but asked curiously, "What happens that week?" The store owner smiled, "Nothing. I just want you to remember that it's not your parking lot."

It's easy to take for granted all the material and spiritual blessings that God has given us. That's why we need to stop and remember that Scripture says the true owner of all we possess is God: "All that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all" (1 Chron. 29:11).

Even our bodies do not belong to us: "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit . . . and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price" (1 Cor. 6:19-20). As 1 Timothy 6:17 reminds us: "God . . . gives us richly all things to enjoy."

We are so abundantly blessed with good things! Let's never take our Father for granted, but use wisely and gratefully all that He has given us. —Cindy Hess Kasper

As we all enjoy God's blessing, Oh, may we not forget Our Lord, from whom all good gifts come— In Him our needs are met. —Fitzhugh

God gives blessing to us so we can give glory to Him

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Are we ready? Do we even believe?


I ask myself this question, and it's a tough question to ask myself: if the world; the earth as we know it were to end tomorrow, would I be ready?

Now, depending on what you believe in, or don't believe in, this question will either be easy to answer, or very scary to even begin to want to answer it.

I ask myself, yet another tough question, if something I desire so strongly were to take place tomorrow, and the world ends tomorrow as well, how would I feel about that? Would it matter to me that I didn't experience it, or would I believe that my time on earth is done and it's time to move on?

What is it, that I believe in? Is another tough question I ask myself. Do I believe in Heaven as I say I do? Do I believe in God as I say I do? Do I believe through Jesus I am saved, as I say I do?

Many questions, but ultimately it's what's in the heart that we confess from our mouths. If this is true, and indeed the case, then the question to ask ourselves; do we truly believe without a shadow of a doubt, that what is in our heart, and coming out of our mouths are the same. If so, is it something that looks to a positive outcome, or negative one?

Although tough questions, they're questions I must ask myself, and I believe all should ask themselves.


God bless you all.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Do you receive it?

'If you remain in me, I will remain in you.'

To receive something into yourself is an extremely big thing to think about. Will it cause further damage, or heal what has been failing?

I receive the Lord Jesus into me, and all that comes along with Him. *Serious stuff* I have pondered, prayed, being shown many great things, and have indeed heard the testimony. The Life, is indeed my way.

What about you?

Peace and Love on this day to you all.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sum up of 2010

What is one line that can sum up your 2010 year? If you are like me, you may not be able to use one line. I look forward to reading your entries. God bless you all.

To God be the glory!

This 2010 year has been off the chain for me.

I have had an amusement park of a year. As I entered into it, I was amazed at all the rides I was to go on, and although there were many rides, I walked to the ones that were just right for me. Just before entering on any rides, I came to a face painting booth, and it felt like the right way to start my journey through the park, so now I had a bright painted face and was ready for what lied ahead.

After going on some rides, I stop at a (salt water taffy store) that stretched me out over and over again, yet did not tear me while adding more of a flavor to me.

Then I found myself in this old pottery store, that actually made jars from clay, and I began to form over and over again, as the potter molded me just right to His liking. At times it seemed as if I were to be a jar for trash, but in the end result the potter decided I would be a jar to hold in His most precious belonging for all to see and to touch.

Now I am on a ride, that is cool, and has great views of the entire park, but wait! He comes an unexpected twist, I have to go through a large waterfall, and I'm going to get all wet. Everything I had placed on me from the beginning was washed away, and I felt just like how I started. Plain for all to see, but as I exited off the ride, something inside me said, 'it never was the make-up that made you this way, but the overwhelming feeling you had when you first entered in this park.' So, I felt better and shortly afterwards the same feeling came back without the make-up and I knew that it was the overwhelming love that made me feel like this, nothing else.

Before I realized it I saw the exit to the amusement park, and had a overwhelming feeling of satisfaction not only from me, but from the owner of this park, as I enjoyed the long walk, and all the rides I went through.

From start to finish of my 2010 year I was in this amusement park and was part of the amusement park. An incredible feeling.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To you


Looking up High, I'm dizzy in Love. No longer longing as what I have craved is now mine. I no longer hear others saying it's impossible, but have come to be in, the Possible. Driven by what surrounds me has seized to exist, but driven by what creates all that exist around me is what has captivated me. From old to new; in the dark to glorious light, who was once lost is now found to look around and thank Him for his sight, his sound. The ears that hear, and the way for his new walk. Thankful indeed, is he who has written this.

He has known greed, and envy; wanting of all sorts of things. Now he has come to believe in who has always believed. Looking forward, and reflecting upward, this once poor lost soul, has come to need only one thing; the one who is LOVE and places in him to be a protector, a provider, and a pleaser. All in all, it's LOVE he represents, and it's LOVE that represents him.

I am the one who has been told and shown, and has had these words engraved into his soul. "You will no longer be a worldly man, but indeed a thankful man." Giving thanks to He who has made known what lied in me all along... "You are mine."

To God; my God, be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tonight's defeat


Tonight, I found myself looking at the time continuously with an anxiousness to hear from a special someone, but time kept on going by, and before I knew it, it was 10pm and I found my excitement to hear from this special individual turning to sadness.

I fell into the trap of assumption and built up a situation that was not cemented in stone to happen. When I finally heard from this special person, I was in such a bummed out mood from my emotionally hectic day, that I had nothing to say to this person, yet with all their positive words to say and excitement from their evening, I still remain in the trap of assumption that they would come visit me, and instead of asking them if they were still going to come by and see me, I allowed frustration to creep in, and I actually found myself angry that they hadn't mentioned that they were coming.

Finally, as I got to the end of my anger in this situation I found my negativity taking me into, this special person said 'I want to see you,' and instead of being excited and jumping on the moment to see this person, I said it was already late, and they would get to sleep too late.

My assumption won over my excitement tonight, and when I heard this special person say 'even if it's for 10 mins it'll be enough for me' I actually got angry at such words by seeing them in a negative light.

I once more took on the assumption that their words to me actually were saying 'I only have 10 minutes to spare on you,' instead of taking it as "Wow, they are tired and hungry and choose to spend some time with me instead of worrying about how late it was."

I'm upset with myself for allowing the negative to win over the positive in me. After a trying day emotionally, I ended my night by setting an expectation on someone which should have not taken place.

I pray, I never set an expectation again, and when I get to spend time with this individual, I will soak it up, and enjoy each minute allowed as the blessing it is.

I am not perfect, and I have many areas of my life that need polishing still, and I'm sure I will not have all the perfect words, and I won't be in the greatest of moods all the time, but I will continue to take those steps forward, and lean on God to school me on the areas of weakness I still have in my life.

Thank you Lord for allowing the oppurtunity to reflect, and accept my weakness, as when I'm weak you are strong.

Till next time, I look to God to light the way.

God bless.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Monday, October 11, 2010


2:08pm 10/11/10

"Many people seek out much knowledge, and others crave to be loved. Wherever we are, our minds can be captivated, but the one thing that suffers most is the heart. It's the heart that captivates the mind, and my heart has been blown away. Therefore I have known all the knowledge I will ever need to know." - F. Lugo

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Did you do as you said?

1:29pm- 10/5/10

"Don't say as you do. Do as you say"

Have you ever wondered what this truly means? I did just that today...[read my comment please]

I've heard this saying before, and now I wonder what this saying means. I suppose, this is great advice towards the advice we give others, yet do not follow ourselves. Another saying that has the same meaning is a famous line delivered by many parents "Do as you are told." Who can forget the saying "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" although this saying I believe is misconstrude.

Everything goes right back to the original saying 'Love others as yourself.'

With that being said, We can all relate to the fact that we all ask (and at times tell) someone or many people to do something, yet we seldomly implement it into our own lives and the manner we conduct about practicing what we preach. I know I haven't 'done as I say' countless times.

Through all these advices; sayings; meanings, one thing I can be sure of: whomever follows the rules and regulations they put out, will find themselves as one of the many geese in unison onto the same destination. -Awesome!

God bless you

Matthew 22:37-39 (New Living Translation)

37 Jesus replied, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ['Love your neighbor as yourself.']

*Words to live by*

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Have you said your prayers today?


Have you said your prayers today?

[Father] God, may I love you as you have loved me. May I hear you when you have heard me. May I know you as you have known me. May I see you as only you can see me. May I feel you as you lay your strong healing hands on me. May I learn of your ways as only you can teach me. May all my days be surrounded by you as I know you are my everything. As I ask in Jesus name, Father may I, let your blessing stand and be yes. Amen.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do you like to speed


Talking to someone I work with about how silly it is for someone to speed to a red light, had me thinking of my adolescence and how I too, was someone who sped through life.

There's a great childs story about speeding through life and the outcome of such a thought process. It's the "Turtle and the Hare."

Have you ever read or heard of the story of the (turtle and the hare)? Well, throughout the story, the hare was always in a rush yet in the end the turtle won the race. I used to think that this story was nonsense. Speed should win right? Well, I examine my life more and more now and it seems as if fast pace living gets you in trouble. What's my lesson here: Slow and Steady wins the race of LIFE *Consistency over Speed always wins* FOOD FOR THOUGHT

God bless

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord―the thing I seek most―is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Monday, September 20, 2010


10:15pm 9/20/10

I find myself in lots of pain these days. Physical & Emotional. The physical comes from work, and the emotional comes from not being able to see my OME as much. The physical pain has me in spasms and walking very slow at times and the emotional pain has me missing my OME so much I can hardly breathe.

I was reminded today of Jesus' pain. He felt to the extreme all pains, and it was brought on without Him even deserving it, but He endured and continued on. This pain of His is referred to as "Passion."

I know in my pain although miniscule in comparison to Jesus' pain, it brings me closer to Him, as it allows me to know I am ALIVE!

God is indeed good. Thank you Jesus, for what you did. I'm eternally grateful.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord―the thing I seek most―is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Waiting room exercise


How many of you have been in the waiting room of a doctor's office or dentist office? 

The wait before you hear your name called can be very long at times, and have you in great anticipation. Even when you have an appointment, you have to wait.

I feel like that at times in my life. I have an appointment (it should be my time to be seen and to be heard), but I still have to wait in a small room (a place of discomfort) with anticipation building up, until I hear my name finally called.

At times I believe my anticipation can be seen as HOPE in what good things are to come, but I pray my anticipation doesn't turn into ANXIOUSNESS.

Being anxious can lead to FRUSTRATION and WORRY, and frustration and worry can lead to DISAPPOINTMENT. 

Disappointment can lead to a feeling of FAILURE, and failure can mask the GOOD thing (or news) to come.

I have experienced this many times, but I pray I will always have this reminder in those moments when they come: DON'T WORRY!

Philippians 4:6-9 (New Living Translation)

 6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

-I think about the little distractions that I have seen over the years in the many appointments I have been to. I remember reading magazines, watching tv, having a conversation, or just thinking of something as the time passed.

I believe those are great distractions. As I find myself in a waiting room in my life now, and I must decide to pick up and READ my bible (daily divotional, inspirational book). I'll WATCH a great teaching from my church (or an uplifting movie). I'll TALK to others, and reach out to those who may have gone through the same waiting and have know been called.

One thing that I do a lot, and that is remaining in deep THOUGHT with God in my heart and on my mind.

Talk about great distractions (OPPURTUNITIES), to remain calm while you wait...Wow! That awesome!

I definitely need to focus on not worrying, but being THANKFUL. 

I've noticed the more I think about the many things that has happened to me that helped me along the way and brought a smile to my face, the less I worry. 

God bless.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer) 

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Jesus name

Last night I thought of the words "in Jesus name." So many people close their prayers to God with those words, as I also do.

Since these words are considered to be so powerful, I began to wonder what these words meant to me, and this is what came to me: Jesus name, is a promise that I can trust and hold onto. A statement that brings joy and peace to me. An image of beauty, that surpasses anything my eyes have ever seen.

These words, are like the perfect beginning and ending to a poem, or love story.

As I even think back to my childhood, the car racing games I've played on Nintendo, where you would pass over a power boost spot to go faster, I associate "in Jesus name," with a POWER BOOST, that accelerates me into triumph and victory in my life and all things to do with my life.

In sumation: Jesus is the reason Why I will be propelled forward into a good existence.

What do the words "in Jesus name" mean to you?

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

To the Core

I was thinking of the first thing we do, when we enter into this world; we cry. Crying is a form of communication.

What is one of the last things a humanbeing does before leaving this earth? Listen.

What are the many things we do throughout our lives. Hope for the best in many situations, and in most cases, and religions, humanbeings pray. So, our strengths and core values, can be summed up for most people, by (speaking, listening, and praying).

Put these three things together, and you have something very powerful.

So awesome, is the God of many chances. Thank you Lord.

God's blessings to you ALL

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tough Time

8/28/2010 1:54am

I have seen, heard, and read how difficult it is to live in the wild. Yet, I never thought, a wilderness, scary in all it's ways, could exist in your own mind.

If you think about it, in the wild, you have the jungle like surrounding, that has you confused and not knowing which way is which. Just like our thoughts can play some cruel tricks on us, and have us confused on how to think, or act.

Just like the wild, has strange creatures, and animals in which are fierce and dangerous, your mind can linger on certain situations, that can be dangerous, and fierce (detrimental to your health).

You could get lost in the wild where no one will ever find you, just as you can lose yourself, and your joy, in your thoughts.

The good news is, God is that compass, and as I'm learning more and more, we must make the choice, to take that compass out, and look to it, to find direction.

In case you are someone who ventures into the wild, wilderness, or a jungle with others, in case you don't understand the way, and can't use the compass correctly, you can rely on a friend, to help guide you out.

This is Jesus. This is God's Word. These are the individuals you are blessed with in your life.

I'm one to not understand directions, but I'm so very thankful for my friends, who will help me along the way.

Thank God for loved ones.

God bless.

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Two worlds collide

"Two worlds collide in a beautiful" display ...(words from the song "City on our knees" by TOBYMAC [An awesome song]

Two worlds collide: A massive collision of love from God to us, in the following forms

The first kiss
The first time holding hands
The first hug
The first note
The first bouquet of flowers
The first "I love you."
The first glance
The first dance
The "Will you marry me."
The "I do."
The first night
The first home
The first cry from your newborn child
The first crawl
The first step
The first word

To think, this is all possible, from the first words..."In the beginning."

To God be the glory

Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Dream Giver


I'm reading a book called "The Dream Giver." written by Bruce Wilkinson. It's absolutely great, and has you thinking, examining, praying, crying, and looking to God, and His Word in a different manner.

Here's a piece from where I'm reading at now; pg.119

"The bottom line of every test in the WasteLand (desert as the Bible refers to it) is this: When God seems absent and everything is going wrong, will you still trust God enough to patiently allow Him to prepare you for what's ahead?"

"I've noticed that the bigger the Dream, the longer the time of preparation."


"God's motive and plan in the WasteLand is to prepare you to become the person who can succeed at your Dream. But the outcome of His actions is up to you. Your response depends on how you answer two important questions:

1. How much do you want your Dream to come true?
2. Do you believe in the Dream Giver (God) enough to trust His purpose and accept His plan of preparation, even if you don't understand or agree with it?

The Bible describes the trials you and I face in the WasteLand as "the testing of your faith":


Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.


So refuse to buy into the lie that your WasteLand is too hard. It's not too hard. It's not too long. Your tests in the desert are the best answer to one of your deepest desires and prayers: "Please make me into the person I need to be to do the Dream You have created me to do!"

Does that prayer sound familiar? It does to me.

*I have been going through this WasteLand going on 3 weeks, but I feel as if it's been a lifetime. All I can say, is that it's true, God remains with you, and even in this dark, desolate, cold, empty and hollow WasteLand, God still shines on us, and even though there seems to be only sand for miles and miles in every direction, have faith that God has indeed left little diamonds along the way, for you to see His glory, and know of His Love.

Think about it, and open your eyes of faith. There may be people, places, or things that have been given to you by God to help you along the way.

For myself, the immediate diamonds that have been left for me, is my friends and brother's in Christ (Joey, and Jeff). My girlfriend Mishel, and my sister's in Christ (Francesca, Grace, Marisol, and Kelly).

Those are the people. The places; was the trip to Texas and the many things I learned and saw. The things: were blessings by way of the very book I mentioned above, and a cd series by Joyce Meyer titled: Grace, Grace & more Grace.

These are the BIG things that come to mind, but I'm sure there are more.

You could be thinking; 'Well, if you are that blessed, how can you be in a WasteLand?'

The WasteLand is not necessarily a physical thing, moreso a Spirtual thing. Although your physical is affected, Spiritually you are molded to conquer your physical.

I'm glad that God is molding me, but I must say, I cannot wait to be done, and come out "lacking" nothing.

Be blessed my friends, and always remember, even if you are down, God declares it, YOU ARE NOT OUT.


Signature from Flavio's iPhone:

Psalm 27:4-5 (my prayer)

The one thing I ask of the Lord—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Great intimacy with my Father: Divine relationships

July 27,2010

[Received July 20, 2010]

This is what my Father says and shows me: 'Just as Jesus, spoke out to the many of my Truth, so shall you. But I choosed 12, who would know Him intimately. Out of the 12, three (Peter, James, and John) were witnesses of an even more intimate level of my Truth through Jesus. Now out of those 3, there were 2 (Peter, and John), who witnessed even greater intimacy, and were transformed to do great things in my name, and out of the 2, there was one (John) who endured with great intimacy, in which the Christ spoke of great and wonderful things to come. This is who you are, and exactly what is to be in your ministry for me, here on earth. It is well with me, so be blessed.'

Whoa!, that's crazy..all praise be to God.

"God's Word, is the music of life." -MMOG

Proverbs 24:3-5
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A pool of blessings

July 24, 2010

Buoyancy: [God's Spirit]

1. the power to rise; relative lightness; resilience of spirit; cheerfulness.
2. the power in which a body is immersed.

The above is a compressed definition of the word (buoyancy). As I was sitting in a pool today, I was amazed at how my hand was touching the surface of the water, yet I felt it not give and sink into the water, but rather bounce my hand back up. This amazed me. Immediately, I said 'that's awesome Lord,' and He returned to me this blessing.

This is what my Father says and shows me: "No matter how far off you go; no matter how far you fall, if you look to me, I will bounce you back to a life lived with me."

My Father shows me Himself in a great many ways. Indeed through Him, and endless amount of blessings (gifts), we will all receive.

My friends, continue to Enlarge your Vision! and be blessed.

"God's Word, is the music of life." -MMOG

Friday, July 23, 2010

Enlarge Your Vision!

The Most Blessed


"If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed"
(Proverbs 29:18, The Message).

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

God wants His people to be the most blessed! He wants His people to constantly increase so they can be examples of His goodness. But, in order to partake of everything He has in store for us, we have to be open to what He wants to do in our lives. We have to have a vision for increase. We have to look for what He is doing and obey what He tells us.

If you're not expecting favor, or if you are just satisfied with where you are, then you are living below your privileges. But if you will get a vision for increase, a vision of who you are as a child of the Most High God and see what He wants to do in your life, then opportunities, favor and increase will open before you. Just like this scripture says, as a child of the Most High, you are entitled to be the most blessed!

I encourage you, today, to take time to focus your thoughts on God and His promises. Meditate on His Word and ask Him to increase your capacity to receive. Then, follow His commands and look for His goodness—and get ready to be the most blessed!


Heavenly Father, I choose right now to set my mind and focus on You. I choose to look for what You want to do in and through me. I let go of any wrong thinking, attitudes or actions that would hold me back. I choose to obey You and thank You for Your blessing in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone 

***Anything a man/woman does in a day through Christ, (for all things to do for the Father of all Creation), this individual will have done more than one who has lived a lifetime in this world. This is Truth! and if you can receive it, into your hearts and minds, count yourselves indeed blessed.***

[Continue to Enlarge your Vision!]

Thursday, July 15, 2010

5 questions

[Anyone wanting to strive at something in life, as well as individuals
in leading, and managing positions, should asked themselves these 5
questions, and answer them, to see where they stand, and where's there
room for improvement.]

1. Do I have a game plan for personal growth?

2. Am I the leader of that plan?

3. Am I willing to change to keep growing, even if it means giving up
my current position, if I am not experiencing growth?

4. Is my life an example for others to follow?

5. Am I willing to pay the price to become a great leader?

RE: True Addiction

Thank you Flavio for this a recovering alcoholic and drug addict as well as an Addictions Counselor on staff with Flamingo Road Family Counseling, both personally and professionally I know that there is no freedom from "active" alcoholism/addiction without a relationship with God. That is why the 12 step fellowships are so wonderful as they are all about God and doing his will...thus the reason for so many millions of changed lives as a result of those programs and God's hand in them...

"it takes one to know one" when it comes to is mind boggling to anyone who is not an addict to understand how someone cannot just stop in the midst of such devastation in their lives. Addiction is not about the "thing" one is addicted to, it is a disease of the is all about the thinking...and freedom from "active" addiction comes from the DAILY RENEWING OF OUR MIND as Paul has shared for us in The Word. Addictions are pits the people fall into that are dark, cold, isolated and full of overwhelming fear.

So if you know someone who struggles with this horrible mind affliction, pray for them, encourage them that there is freedom and hope, and encourage them to reach out for the help that is out there. There is always professional counseling/treatment available (FRC has Flamingo Road Family Counseling and there are lots of other quality professional programs). Also, the 12 step fellowship meetings and church is free to all who need them!!! Thanks again Flavio...

Kelly Y. Hancock, CAP
Certified Addictions Professional
Flamingo Road Family Counseling
12401 Stirling Road
Cooper City, FL 33330

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-----Original Message-----
From: Flavio Lugo []
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 5:03 PM
To: Michael Aguilar; Sara Elizabeth Aguilar; Frankie Biancuzzo; Garland Robertson; Sarah Rodriguez; Caro Rojas; Jenny Rojas; Omar Rojas; Joey Sammons; Daniel Santiago; Red Sepulveda; Jeff Shannon; Richard Simon; Lina Bina; Jeff Smith; Glenn Stutz; Renee Thompson; Tia Lidia; Tia Chenty; Stephanie Tinoco; Titi; Jerry Toomey; Titi Magali; Danny Tripi; Jonathon Bray; Cristina Ulloa; Uncle Joe; Uncle Pico; Valerie Velidanes; Francesca Vittoria; Janis Whipple; Rena White; Jenelle Williams; Nicholas Wright; Jeff Zelaya; Denise Byrd; Michelle Zuniga; Diane Byrd; Bernita Camarota; Jayson Campbell; Janet Campen; Jeff Campen; Kristina Caro; Tia Diane Aguilar; Katy Cedeño; Yeritza Celdran; Pauline Charles; Oscar Cortez; Chasen Crooks; Carlos Daniel; Kareem Daniels; Alicia Davis; Analia Davis; Isaiah Davis; Tio Dario Aguilar; Arturo De La Mora; Sally Delagarza; Keisha Deonarine; Lauren Deviney; Marvin Estrada; Andrea Fernandez; Zurisaday Fernandez; Joyce Figueroa; Peter Fitton; Jay Force; Jeanette Alban; Pastor Ricky Garcia; Elaine Gomez; Dulce Gonell; Barbie Gonzalez; Janet Gonzalez; Marisol Gonzalez; Raquel Guardia; Jackie Guerra; Raphael Guzman; Sandy Hall; Carlos Baell; Kelly Hancock; Diane Hanley; Jorge Hernandez; Bill Holderby; Marylou Hooi; Regina Huntley; Maria Jauch; Jimmie; Yvette Jivanjee; Feleisha Johnson; Clasi Beason; Megan Johnson; Bessy Lanza; Elizabeth Leonard; Santos Lorenzo; Lijia Loria; Madelyn Loria; Jason Lucas; Jessica Maliszewski; Yogi Marange; Mike Markcity; Rudy Bello; Mitchell Marks; Cristina Martinez; Jason Martinez; Joisha Martinez; Chris Maxwell; Damian Maylor; Roslyn Miranda; Amy Molina; Mom; My Bro; Joshua Bennett; My OME; Jeff Nadlman; Rebecca O'Donnell; Michael Oliva; Joe Olsen; Emily Ottley; Anna Padron; Heather Palacios; PJ Mc Partland; Carlos Perez; Brent Berry; Mike Popola; Flower Power; Jenny Quintero-Ayala; Constance Raines; Alejandra Ramirez; Victor Reategui; Jena Reinone; Karen Rivas; Nora Rivera; Dana Roberts
Cc: Who I AM: Just For The Record
Subject: True Addiction

[If you do not have it in you to see yourself preaching/teaching the Word of God, you can definitely point, or lead someone in the right direction of help through Christ, as we were all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus]- may the Lord bless you indeed for such kindness.

*This teaching, I received yesterday, and I send it out to all of you, for the reason that we are surrounded by a society with such pains, and they need God's healing Truth to set them truly free. I know, if I were in this situation, I would want someone to extend a helping hand out to me, that would point me, and lead me to God. Wouldn't you? [Food for thought.]


The world will have you think that Drug, alcohol, sex, material, etc... Addictions are addictions, that once you have been hooked, no matter how many years go by, that even if you claim that you are now "clean, and/or sober," you are still indeed regardless of what you say, a (drug, alcohol, sex, material, etc...) addict.

-As always, all things are God, and although in this world all addictions are terrible, and can be life threatening, and need to be taken seriously, in God, a life lived without Him, is indeed the True reason behind (alcohol, drug, sex, material, etc...) addiction that can plaque us all.

So with that said, as all (alcoholics, drug/sex addicts, shopaholics, etc...) come to say eventually, "I am [amount of days, months, years] sober," in Christ, you can indeed come to say, and live it with all authority in Christ, that you are indeed (sober, clean, sexfree, and material-driven free), from a life lived without God. All praise be to God for this.

Just as they have A.A. (Alcoholics anonymous), N.A. (Narcotics Anonymous), 12-step programs, and rehab centers for a life lived in this world; for a life lived without God, there is prayer, there's the Bible, there's (Bible based) churches, and indeed these things are free to you.

If you feel, and are nudged to seek God, and a life with God, through Jesus, Simply go to your local (Bible based) church, or come to Flamingo Road Church. We will gladly listen, counsel, and direct you to a life "lived with God," through Christ Jesus.

Be blessed, and know that the Lord is with you.

Flamingo Road Church
12401 Stirling Road
Cooper City, FL 33330
[for service times, locations, and directions]

Sundays (10:30am) on WSVN (ch.7) FOX

A thankful Heart


I wake up with praise in my Spirit, my heart, on my mind, and I am overwhelmed. Indeed the Lord is very good, and to know this with certainty, is indeed Blessing. I love God with a depth the world can never know. And I say Amen!

To wake up to Him with a thankful heart, praising Him for just allowing you to enjoy things that many take for granted, (until it is taken from them), is a blessing in itself. To breath, to have sight, to have hearing, to be willing, and able to move, to have speach, and have a heart that beats in Love and simplicity as my Father our God pumps my heart, is indeed a blessing. To have an active mind that has goodness circulating in it always, as God, the Father is on my mind 24/7, is a blessing indeed. He is Blessing, and I treasure Him as He is my PRESENT. All glory be to Him, God our Father forever and ever. Amen!

[Enlarge your Vision!]


*Our minds are endless, and our hearts continue to beat, then let it be so, we will adopt a heart of thanksgiving (being thankful and giving back) around the clock, for every single thing that comes to mind. If you are blessed with loved ones, give thanks to God for it (not because they are at your beckon call, but that they exist in your life).

Give thanx for hardships in your life (not because you want to know pain), but because it will allow you to appreciate good times even more.

Give thanx for time alone (not because we want to be lonely), but because we come to know ourselves again, and indeed in those times, when you think you are to yourself, God is sitting; walking; running; crying right alongside you [that in itself is Blessing.]

Give thanx all the time, and all the time be thankful. As you adopt this (Thankful Heart), you will see how God will not only remove a heart that once was unthankful, hurt, broken, angry, lonely, bitter, cold to others, and dying slowly, He will actually replace it with His own heart, which knows no bounds. His heart only Loves, and loves forever. His heart beats for ALL, His heart does not know anger, loneliness, bitterness, treachery, lies, or deceit. His heart has been hurt, and has been broken, but the good news is, God continues to love unconditionally, and through all the hurt He had, and has to endure with much patience with the many things His children do against His name, His nature, His loving heart, He still has a heart that is thankful for us, and continues to Love with the purest of Love.

If we are lead by example, then indeed let us follow in God's ways, and have a THANKFUL HEART. God's blessings onto you all.

And I say, Amen! Intentions start in the heart, circulate in the mind, and are breathed out in words. To have all working perfectly together, will allow your actions to paint that beautiful picture for all to know, and all to see, that God is indeed who we claim Him to be, and that is; GOOD ALL THE TIME! Amen! This is the example Christ lived, and died willingly for, and we are called to be Christ in all our ways, for it is Godly to be so. Be blessed children, for the Lord sees you, and is indeed with you. Amen!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

True Addiction

[If you do not have it in you to see yourself preaching/teaching the Word of God, you can definitely point, or lead someone in the right direction of help through Christ, as we were all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus]- may the Lord bless you indeed for such kindness.

*This teaching, I received yesterday, and I send it out to all of you, for the reason that we are surrounded by a society with such pains, and they need God's healing Truth to set them truly free. I know, if I were in this situation, I would want someone to extend a helping hand out to me, that would point me, and lead me to God. Wouldn't you? [Food for thought.]


The world will have you think that Drug, alcohol, sex, material, etc... Addictions are addictions, that once you have been hooked, no matter how many years go by, that even if you claim that you are now "clean, and/or sober," you are still indeed regardless of what you say, a (drug, alcohol, sex, material, etc...) addict.

-As always, all things are God, and although in this world all addictions are terrible, and can be life threatening, and need to be taken seriously, in God, a life lived without Him, is indeed the True reason behind (alcohol, drug, sex, material, etc...) addiction that can plaque us all.

So with that said, as all (alcoholics, drug/sex addicts, shopaholics, etc...) come to say eventually, "I am [amount of days, months, years] sober," in Christ, you can indeed come to say, and live it with all authority in Christ, that you are indeed (sober, clean, sexfree, and material-driven free), from a life lived without God. All praise be to God for this.

Just as they have A.A. (Alcoholics anonymous), N.A. (Narcotics Anonymous), 12-step programs, and rehab centers for a life lived in this world; for a life lived without God, there is prayer, there's the Bible, there's (Bible based) churches, and indeed these things are free to you.

If you feel, and are nudged to seek God, and a life with God, through Jesus, Simply go to your local (Bible based) church, or come to Flamingo Road Church. We will gladly listen, counsel, and direct you to a life "lived with God," through Christ Jesus.

Be blessed, and know that the Lord is with you.

Flamingo Road Church
12401 Stirling Road
Cooper City, FL 33330
[for service times, locations, and directions]

Sundays (10:30am) on WSVN (ch.7) FOX

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Advice for Life

If you are in "constant motion," which is God's responsibility, and your responsibility, is "being still," what is He doing? Relax, take it easy, enjoy the moment, stop worrying on your past, and on your future. 'Be still and know that He is God (in constant motion on your behalf).' *Food for thought* Do this, and come to know a great, personally intimate existence with God, our Father. Amen!

My friends, this world can get you very wound up, like a toy that moves at a constant basis, then as it runs lows from that initial wind up, it doesn't just slow down, but stops completely.

Do not allow such a thing to happen to you. Look to a greater good. A greater purpose. A greater love. A greater existence. This can only come by accepting Jesus our Christ as Lord and Savior, and through this acceptance; alliance; friendship; relationship; you will indeed come to know the greatest Love of all. This is God, and He is anxious to walk with you. He's anxious to speak with you. He's anxious to do life with you, and have you do life with Him. And if you are up to it, He would like to run with you.

No matter what, God is going to be with you through it all. So indeed you can count yourselves blessed.

All my love to you all,
In Christ our Lord!


Sent from Flavio's iPhone

Thought Provoking: It started with the Father, and spread through the Spirit, and was confirmed in the Son

1 Corinthians 9:27
...I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.




Thursday, July 8, 2010

My amazement continues

July 8, 2010

Today, someone tells me that my face looks great. They said my face looks so light (brimming with youth). This was told to me after, I said I was going to pursue my passion for ministry. I also told this individual, that I have received many other compliments along that line, and I said, that through a life with, and for God, your youth (joy in simplicity, without worry or concern) is restored.

She was delighted to hear of my passion for God, and said that I was lucky to have found my purpose in life at such an early age. I told her, that it's never too late to realize your purpose in life.

I was grateful to speak to her about my beautiful Father, and I was very grateful for the many I spoke to, today concerning this very thing.

I was blessed to have witnessed God reaching and tugging at a mans' heart today, and bringing peace onto this man, who then opened up to me about a struggle that he once had, and he went further onto asking me if we could get together to speak more about God, and the Bible. Indeed the Lord blesses me, and hears my prayers. All praise be to God! Amen!

If anything is taken from the words above, let it be this; it is never too late in your life, to seek God, and come to personally know the greatest love of all...God.

Be blessed.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

Thought Provoking: It started with the Father, and spread through the Spirit, and was confirmed in the Son

1 Corinthians 9:27
...I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.




"I am who I am" Why is that?

July 8, 2010 [Received this teaching on July 7, 2010]

The Lord, our God states early on to His children; "I am who I am." Many get confused by thinking this is His name. It's not His name, but His presence. God is not a God that worries of the past when it concerns us (as He did not say 'I am who I was,' and God isn't a God who wants us to focus on our future as He did not say 'I am who I will be'). God said "I am who I am," stating to us, He is focused in our present, as we should be. Therefore receive this gift, as it is your PRESENT. *Food for thought* God bless

-My friends, I pray that more and more all of God's children, will come to know their Heavenly Father as everything that is beautiful, and simple. We are to be at peace, and simplicity in all our ways. Indeed, anyone of His children, can come to know the greatest love of all time, simply by praying about everything, and removing more and more of the world as they live out their lives day to day. It can be done, and through prayer and faith, in our great God, it shall be done.

All my love,

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

Thought Provoking: It started with the Father, and spread through the Spirit, and was confirmed in the Son



Friday, July 2, 2010

Light & Salt [Who we are]

July 2, 2010

In everything that we do, we set an example for someone watching, or in some situation we find ourselves in. This is exactly what God knew to be for all life. Therefore, He said we are to be the 'Light, and Salt,' for all to see.

Of course with all things, unless you have seen an example of it, and in many cases, several examples of it, you wouldn't know what to do, or how to go by doing it.

Here's a break down (a definition if you will) of what being the 'Light & Salt,' to the world is:

The Truth! [Light&Salt]

Light: We must be the guiding force of all that God has created, and called for His children to be, and lead by example just as Christ did.

Salt: We are to be the preservation of who Christ was on earth, and who Christ is, in Heaven.

God is this Light, and He preserves all that is a good example of how to live a life for all things good.

For myself, God was the only one to remove my anger, depression, frustration, and hate (that's right, I hated).

In the Bible, it teaches that to hate (is equal to a person who commited murder), so by that standard I was a murderer.

This may seem harsh, but for a person such as myself, it helped me realize myself in a (Light), that I hadn't realized before.

God awakened me, to a life, that I now see worth living, as I , all too many times, wanted to end my life (atleast the thought of it).

God is my Truth! I have realized Him, as He has always realized me. Amen!

Be blessed my friends.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

Thought Provoking: It started with the Father, and spread through the Spirit, and was confirmed in the Son




Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Simply Beautiful

6/29/2010 (but it is now 2:33am)

Today, as I woke up just before 12am, I was filled in my Father's beautiful Spirit, and I couldn't go back to sleep, as I was receiving so many things.

So, I accepted this blessing in full, and posted my new teaching "Your True Calling," to my blog [] and I sent some blessings to some new friends on facebook, as well as old. I was also blessed with this (which is just inevitable, once His Spirit is in you):

"Your Spirit is the most beautiful thing my Lord. It can only be classified as beautiful in all it's perfection. It is the most beautiful sight my eyes will ever see. It's the most beautiful sound my ears will ever hear. It's the most beautiful feeling my hands, and heart will ever feel. It sets the most beautiful path, my feet will ever walk on. It has the most beautiful aroma, I will ever smell, and taste. Simply beautiful you are." MMOG

As it is in Heaven, to praise the Father continuously without pause, so shall it be on earth. This is Truth! If you can accept it, count yourselves blessed.

My endless service, in His name.


Sent from Flavio's iPhone

'In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity. But in God's Kingdom, dependance on Him is a prime measure of maturity.'


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's a Miracle

6/29/2010 2:16pm

Do you believe in miracles? If not, how come? Everyday miracles take place. The sun rises, and the sun sets. The tide comes in, and the tides recede away. You sneeze and your heart stops, yet you continue living. Only God, can create, allow, and look over all these things every second, of every day. That in itself, is a miracle.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

'In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity. But in God's Kingdom, dependance on Him is a prime measure of maturity.'


This morning


I woke up to use the bathroom this morning at 7am, and the thought that entered my mind was the thought I was consumed with in prayer as I was going to sleep yesterday.

This is for men, and women alike:

Have you ever wanted to have someone in your life, and saw them as your husband, or wife to be, and you prayed and imagined how life would be with them?

Now for those who remain sexually inactive until you are married:

Do you find yourselves thinking, and wondering about this husband or wife to be, in a sexual manner? If so, pray earnestly for God's strength, and to remain patient until His perfect timing is revealed, and you and the individual you are going to be married to, are free to consume each other in everyway God created the union of two (man, and woman) to be.

Let us pray:

Father, we thank you for all that you give us, and we look to the future with hope knowing you are with us. May you bless our minds, and hearts, with strength to overtake our bodies. May you bless us with a peace that will keep us stable, when everything around us is unstable. Lord, we look to you, as you alone are our rock that cannot be moved. We thank you for all this, and we lift it up high to you. May it become our reality, in real time. In the name of Jesus our Christ. We pray, Amen!

Friends, you are not alone in the struggles of life, especially as we remain in the flesh (living with sin, and in sin, from the temptations that come from the enemy) for now.

Through Jesus the Christ, we can look ahead with hope, and wonder, as He alone has conquered death (a life lived consumed in sin by the enemies temptations), and through Christ all things are possible, and the greatest Love of all, is ours to enjoy.

Therefore, I plead with you, to remain expectant, and accepting of God's grace and mercies on us, especially when it comes to sexual temptation.

Thought Provoking:
Just as when Christmas morning came around, and all the presents were under the tree and you were probably the first one out of bed, and on the floor by the tree, checking the names on the gifts, wanting to open just one, before everyone came down to do it together; let us not spoil what God created for us, in a union as one in marriage (God, with Man&Woman), with having sex before marriage.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

'In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity. But in God's Kingdom, dependance on Him is a prime measure of maturity.'


Friday, June 25, 2010

Good quote


One of my friends listed this as one of their favorite quotes.

"The worst thing about being lied to, is knowing you weren't worth the truth."

What I find most uniquely inspiring about this quote, is the relationship I have with this person. I now consider this individual a friend, yet when we first met, it wasn't under the easiest of situations, and it was down right misery.

But, my Father, our God, in that moment was already blessing our paths, and although I wasn't living my life for Him, but rather doing life without Him from my choosing, He had other plans in store for me; in store for us.

Little did I know, roles would be changed, and the misery would be taken away.

I am very grateful to God for the change in our lives. Why? The roles we play know, brought much more peace to our lives, and in my life, it lead me to live solely for Him, as I would find a need to rely on Him for all things. Amen! to that.

As I always say "All things are truly God."

Just realize the weight towards those words, in the quotes above.

If God is Truth, and all He does, is show us His Truth. When we don't live our lives to respond in His Truth, we are lying to Him. In that very moment, and so many times, this moment lasts a lifetime; we were saying and showing God, He isn't worth it. *Food for thought*

Be blessed children.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

'In the world, dependency is seen as immaturity. But in God's Kingdom, dependance on Him is a prime measure of maturity.'


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Crazy morning

June 23, 2010

I'm blessed with pink eye. [Read on and you'll know why pink eye is a blessing to me].

My friends, I do not own a bed, as my room is more of an office, then a place to sleep in. Its where I write my teachings, and have received many great blessings from my Father, our God, in the Spirit.

Since I don't own a bed, I sleep on my couch, and it's comfy, and does the job, but having pink eye had me uncomfortable, so I tried to sleep on my recliner, but that was a bust (as I was attacked there), and several attempts later for some rest , I remained up.

I've been up since mid 4am, but the good news is; the Lord was with me throughout, and blessed me with receiving, and writing 9 teachings. They are called "SUMthing to think about." I posted the first of the series to my blog this morning. CHECK IT OUT:

Yesterday is when I first noticed the symptoms of having pink eye, and today I rode my bike to the nearest urgent care, and met a young lady that works ther. I shared with her my desires of launching my own ministry, which is coming, and all the teachings I do.

I went onto giving her a card to my church (Flamingo Road Church), and the websites (URL's) to my two blogs (which are the catalyst to my ministry online), my number, and my personal email, in case she wanted to contact me to speak on anything, as I counsel all individuals on all matters through my Father's blessing.

I mentioned to her, that I can do the preaching, and writing (teachings), but the technology part I'm not good with that. She says to me, that she's going to a bible study class today, and the woman who hosts it, and if I'm not mistakened, she has a brother who is really good with computers, and she'll ask him if he's willing to help me out.

To think, all of this started with pink eye, and this young lady noticing my address, and asking me if I knew of any apartments for rent in that area.

God definitely works in mysterious ways, but I so appreciate how He works. Awesome!

Till next time,
God bless.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

Thought Provoking: Is your "To do list," on God, or on everything else?

Monday, June 21, 2010

My "Dream Home," for us

[A friend of mine who is a realtor, asks: 'What would be your dream home?']

Here's my response:

"My friend, may the Lord bless you in reality, your dreams, then you can continuously seek, and show where our true home is.

As for now, I enlarge my vision, for a home for my near future wife and I, to be in a place where much of the world (I say much, as we are still here on earth, and we need to speak living words of Truth, to the lost) is not around, and all that God has created it to be, will surround us daily. The temperature would be a dream come true year around, therefore a/c would not be needed. The sun would illuminate our home, and since the heat of the sun would be ideal, we would not need electricity in the day, and the moon would be so close, illumination would be wonderful in the night.

[The light would surround us constantly, as the LIGHT we are in.]

We would be blessed by scenery in full nature, and our "backyard," would be the ocean. We would be one with our Father, our God, and simply exist in harmony with all things, as His Spirit would flow in a constant all around us, and within us. There would be beautiful water falls, and mountains to wonder around in awe of God's beauty for us to enjoy, and favor in great abundance would flow down from heaven from our Father, that "work," in this world wouldn't exist in our lives, but joy of spreading His Truth would be exactly what we would have the priviledged of doing everyday, through all means.

This would be my "Dream home," and our existence. I pray on this, and have all the faith in my Father that He will build us up, to be giants for Him in our faith, that as He removes all of this world from us, we will walk forward continuously with Him to this goodness on earth, until we are called back to Him, to be in everlasting ecstasy of goodness with Him for an eternity.

My friend, I responded in great detail, to allow (as it is my fondest prayer), all who read including you, to rely, enlarge, and trust in a faith that was given, and comes from God Almighty, who delights in the fact that He will lavish us with blessings all day, everyday, and all we need is to Trust in Him to do so.

ENLARGE that VISION my friends, God bless.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

Thought Provoking: Is your "To do list," on God, or on everything else?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Taken, but given back 7 fold

Good morning children. As the Lord has blessed this day you find yourselves in, may you also bless those who are in it with you.

[Thought Provoking]: If everything you attained on your own efforts started to be removed one by one from you; what would you do? Would you exercise faith as you say you do, or worry?Remember, what we confess will happen. *Food for thought*

As always, I write and speak about everything the Lord has blessed me to go through personally, experience, see, and receive from Him.

The Lord has removed my marriage, my car, and soon it will be my job. It happens in phases of three in my life, and as my friend, my helper in life says to me yesterday "It will come by a divine appointment," surely it did just that.

Yesterday, my divorce was finalized, and my marriage in which I lead it through my own efforts and not with God, was taken away. Later that night, my car was taken, as I pursued the purchasing of that car without God in my life. Talk about (Divine appointment). Now I am free from much of the shackles that bind me to this world, and I have confessed that from my mouth.

I have said 'the Lord, my Father, our God is molding me into a feather for Him;' meaning, I will be so light, and removed from the weight of the world, when He blows me about to do His bidding, I will move freely for Him.

This, indeed is happening. Should I be down on myself, or filled with worry? Only If I want the enemy to have victory over my life, but as I am created in my Father's, our God's image; I rejoice and know what is to come, as my helper says "What He takes away from you from this world, He will replace by His will 7 fold, and you will know it's from Him, and you will know you are blessed," and I say Amen! to that my friends.

It's my fondest prayer, that I am fully for my Lord, my God, my Father in Heaven, and not of this world. As I say, and live in this manner more and more each day, I know He hears my prayer, and delivers on it.

To those who have gained much from this world, it's like gaining a death sentence, and to those who lose much in this world, it's like gaining a pardon from death.

That's the blessing! That's the miracle! I pray, it is our lives!

God bless you all.

Sent from Flavio's iPhone

It's always was God, and will always be God. Your life is an occassion; RISE to it - "The Creator"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 5, 2010

[Written on June 5, 2010 at 10:18am]

Today as I await my mother, and my twin to reach my home, I sit in my kitchen listening to praise music on my iPhone. The song:"At your feet," by Casting Crowns. I am reading from my two daily devotionals "Jesus Calling" by (Sarah Young), and "Your Best Life now: Begin each morning" by (Joel Osteen), and today the Word spoke on healing words, and seeking after God's perfection. Not in our understanding of perfection in each other, but in God's understanding of perfection for us.

[As I ponder the beginning, I write this]
I have been a part of such idol build up in my life (idol: anything you choose to worship/seek after i.e. such as money, clothes, cars, a career, a person, an image of yourself other than what God gave you), and as I didn't know the greatest love of my life, that was already existing in me, I sought to find it in the opposite sex (a person), and wouldn't you know it! I did not find it in them. Amazing, huh?

Then I went onto looking for it in materialism, and once again, I didn't find it. That's weird, isn't it? So I thought 'maybe I would climb the "corporate ladder" at my place of work,' and through hard work; dedication; and a friendly attitude towards those who held titles to what I thought would be exactly what I wanted, I would gain the filling to the gap I felt in me. Little to my dismay, I would be sadly mistaken, and my joy, efforts and accomplishments in this company would be in vain.

Therefore, three years passing were just around the corner, and working at this company I went from being at peace and joy, to quite the opposite. Then an awakening happened. I was made aware, that my life was too difficult, my marriage was over, and (anger, frustration, and disgust) for everything remained only.

When I found myself no longer living with my wife, and back in my mother's house (in her room), where I spent much time contemplating my existence, my failures, and crying over my failed marriage, and attempts at a "normal life," this is where a divine intervention stepped in, and took place. On that faithful night (July 3rd 2009), I found myself crying and frustrated at the edge of the bed I slept on, I broke down and asked the Lord (back) into my life, and I asked for Him to heal me.

I pleaded for His forgiveness, and to show me the way. From night (that night) to day, he entered into me, and almost a year later to date, here we are. Here I Am!

All Praise! be to my Father, our God for EVER!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The First Entry

[I wrote this entry on June 3, 2010 @ 5:02pm].

Today as I stared out my balcony, at the rain, and admiring God's works, the thought of writing a book, and starting a new blog came to mind. Now, I have thought of writing a book, or rather a few books throughout my life, and I know God is piecing that all together already...Amen!

By reading this entry you have already came to the conclusion that I started my new blog.

This blog will consist of my day-to-day walk with God, and how a man who was a sinner amongst sinners, changed to be fully committed to God, through God's revelation to this man. I will share myself with all of you, and extend my hand in friendship towards all who care to extend their hand out as well.

From what makes me laugh, cry, excited, upset, motivated and driven to succeed in what I was called and created to do, to the great things God can do in an individuals life (in particular this man), you will be invited to come along on this journey.

It's my fondest wish for all of you, through my words of Truth, that radiate from God Himself, that you will discover your God potential, and find yourselves in the midst of a great journey with God as well.

Be blessed children,

"Everything I touch prospers and succeeds."